Welcome to Woodbine
We believe that God has strategically placed Woodbine Baptist Church in Pace, Florida to carry out His perfect will in reaching this community. We are located in Santa Rosa County, which is one of the fastest growing counties in the state of Florida, and the mission field is quite large. Our worship services are a blend of traditional and contemporary styles that seek to reach all age groups. God’s Word is central to whom we are as a church and His truths are proclaimed and taught without apology. Come, join God’s people at Woodbine and grow with us, as we become what our Lord desires us to be.
Our Mission
"Loving God, Loving People, Making Disciples"
Our Vision
The vision of Woodbine Baptist Church is to create a community of authentic believers and to witness a city transformed by the life changing reality of the gospel, as people come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
What We Offer
Here is a preview of what we offer here at WBC:
Connection Point Classes:
These classes are designed not only to connect you with the Lord, but other believers as well. We have men's classes Women's classes and co-ed classes. We also have different classes for different age groups: Adults, young adults, high school, middle school, and children's.
Sunday Morning Worship:
We strive, here at WBC, to have intergenerational worship. Both our worship services are ethe same, so no mater what one you come to, you will hear the word of God and enjoy worshiping with other believers.
Mid week Services:
Mid week at WBC in filled with bible studies for all ages. Awana meets at 5:45, Rooted Student ministry 6pm, women's discipleship class 6pm, men's discipleship class 6pm, bible study/prayer meeting 6pm. No mater who you are, we have something for you mid week here at WBC.
Friday Night.
Woodbine Young Adults (WYA) meet on Friday nights at 6pm. This is a time for young adults (18-30) to come and fellowship and worship the lord.
Connection Point Classes:
These classes are designed not only to connect you with the Lord, but other believers as well. We have men's classes Women's classes and co-ed classes. We also have different classes for different age groups: Adults, young adults, high school, middle school, and children's.
Sunday Morning Worship:
We strive, here at WBC, to have intergenerational worship. Both our worship services are ethe same, so no mater what one you come to, you will hear the word of God and enjoy worshiping with other believers.
Mid week Services:
Mid week at WBC in filled with bible studies for all ages. Awana meets at 5:45, Rooted Student ministry 6pm, women's discipleship class 6pm, men's discipleship class 6pm, bible study/prayer meeting 6pm. No mater who you are, we have something for you mid week here at WBC.
Friday Night.
Woodbine Young Adults (WYA) meet on Friday nights at 6pm. This is a time for young adults (18-30) to come and fellowship and worship the lord.
What To Expect
First things first, come as you are. As a church we are a place for people from all walks life. You can expect a friendly and casual environment, where you will be greeted with smiling faces and welcoming words. During our worship services you can expect a mix of songs made up of modern worship songs and hymns. You can also expect an expository sermon that unpacks God's word and stays true to its meaning. Our goal is to engage you in worship, help you learn from and grow in God's word, and welcome you into our community of believers! We look forward to connecting with you on Sunday!

When we Meet
Sunday Mornings
Worship - 8:00am and 10:30am
Connection Point Classes - 9:15am
Connection Point Classes - 9:15am
Mid Week
Awana - 5:45pm
Rooted Student Ministry - 6:00pm
Adult Bible Studies - 6:00pm
Discipleship Classes - 6:00pm
Rooted Student Ministry - 6:00pm
Adult Bible Studies - 6:00pm
Discipleship Classes - 6:00pm
Friday Evenings
Woodbine Young Adults - 6:00pm